5 Steps to Land Your Dream Job or Build Your Dream Team
Jumpstart Your Career
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60 Tips to Be the Top Candidate Report
Job Tracker Worksheet
Are you currently:
Unhappy in your current job?
Struggling in your job search?
Not getting a 2nd or 3rd interview?
Overwhelmed & frustrated?
Unsure of where to start?
Don’t worry – you’re not alone – and there is help. Yes, job searching and the hiring process can be tough out there right now but there is also a lot of opportunity – you just need to be prepared for it.
Being prepared means doing the work needed to land the job like I mention in the 60 Tips to Be the Top Candidate Report. If it sounds like a lot of work – it’s because IT IS A LOT of WORK! You have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and take the necessary steps to get ahead.

People often have issues with what I like to call self-sales skills – either they aren’t comfortable and don’t do it at all or they appear overly confident and their words fall flat in front of the Hiring Manager. Sadly, this process can repeat over and over in the interview process.
It’s imperative that you know how to use your self-sales skills well – if you don’t, you may miss out on many career opportunities, promotions, pay raises, and recognition.
It can be challenging to speak eloquently, succinctly, and sincerely about ourselves and feel comfortable in the process. But with the right coaching and practice, you can do it well and seamlessly.
How do I know if I’m ready to BOOK a FREE Discovery Session with Shawna?
You are not getting results on your own.
You want to speed up your job search process.
You are willing to do the work you need to land the job.
You are ready to take action and get results.
You want and need help.
It’s a FREE Discovery Session and there’s no obligation to work with me. We’ll find out if it’s a good fit to work together and if it’s not that’s okay.
But what if there’s something valuable that you get on this call and you don’t come because you’re holding yourself back for some reason? It’s risk-free hour and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Schedule your call & let’s get you going!
“Shawna is quite the expert in her field. She has a unique way of pulling things out of you in a comfortable conversation and you don’t even realize how much info she’s giving back to you. She somehow quickly summarizes your qualities and shows you all the skills that you didn’t even realize you had. She showed me the opportunities that I could leverage when in an interview and gave me confidence in areas that I never thought I would be confident in.“
Meet Shawna
For decades, Shawna has helped people find their confidence, identify what they bring to the table, improve their self-sales skills, polish their interview competencies, plan their career trajectory, and more. She is a masterful Interview, Career, & Life Coach that helps you strategize your overall career options, dreams, and goals so you can truly live the life you love.
Shawna has over 30+ years in Corporate America working in for-profit and non-profit organizations across the Auto, Education, Health Care, and Financial industries in roles from HR, Recruiting, Management, Operations, IT, Sales, Marketing, Program/Project Management, QA/QI, Analysis, Training, and Coaching. Throughout her career she’s interviewed tons of candidates, built and managed large teams, ran large program/project teams, promoted many team members, and helped people land the jobs they want. It’s time you focused on what you want, need, and deserve.

Shawna Champlin is a results driven Interview, Career, & Life Coach, motivational Speaker, and bestselling Author.
Phone: +1 (208) 610-1750
Email: shawna@shiningoutcomes.com